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Monday, June 28, 2010

Home Safely!

After a slight issue with departing from Nairobi on Friday morning 2 hours late, we missed our connecting flight back to America.  Rachel then missed her flight on the way back to Texas as well.  But after 36 and 42 hours of travel, and a spontaneous night in Amsterdam, we are home safely!  The trip was amazing.  It's very grounding to see and experience how the majority of the world lives.  We easily forget what a blessed place we live in.  I miss the team, our fab wait staff at Gracia and summer camp with Rachel.  We are praying for the safety and uplifting in Dandora.  We pray for the children-may they continue to persevere through distraction, destitution, and hardship to be empowered with the love and hope of Christ and an education! 

Thank you to everyone for your support, encouragement, and prayers throughout the trip! 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our last days in Africa

Each day we leave more inspired than when we came. We are so blessed being in the presence of the children of KDS and KDSS. Monday was a very productive day for the Educational Committee. We trained the standard 4, 5, and 6 teachers in data driven instruction and differentiation. We also spent a lot of time comparing and contrasting our school environments. Even across the world in Kenya, kids are the same. We have the same joys and struggles in the classroom. Rachel and I offered advice to the teachers that presented us with questions as well as lesson planned with the teachers. We also trained the entire primary staff on the implantation of electronic report cards. We are very happy to include the technology component to the grading system which will alleviate time spent in the US office as well as give teachers the opportunity to begin to integrate technology. While some teachers already use electronic grading systems, this gives all teachers the opportunity as well as the push necessary for those who may be reticent or intimidated by technology. I have strived to continue to build and develop the relationships we began last year when working with the teachers. Our ultimate focus is to support the teachers in order to support the children of Dandora. They have been incredibly receptive to new methods and are very excited to implement them.

God has opened many doors for our ministry during our time here. Some wonderful minds have come together for the combined purpose of furthering the ministry and work of Kenya Children’s Fund. Some of the influential people we have met with recently through Ginger include Todd Rasmusson, the Executive Director or Daystar University-US, Patrick and Sheryl Mahin, the Church Relations Director of Daystar University-US, Rev. Dr. MacMillan Kiiru, Ginger’s dear friend and a Daystar University Council Member, and Mrs. Bernice Gachegu, the Registrar General of Kenya and a close friend of Ginger’s. She came to have dinner with us one evening this week, and it was so gracious of such a busy, dignified government official to spend time and get to know us this evening. She is such an inspiration for young woman to aspire to serve in male-dominated field. Ginger also is meeting with the Permanent Secretary of Youth Affairs and other Government of Kenya officials to discuss how various government programs can help assist KDS in leadership development of our students. We are also working to develop scholarship opportunities as well as a similar program to the partnership we have with Northwestern College for education students at Daystar University. We are so blessed for all of the doors God is opening for our ministry!

We also had the opportunity to see Rev. Dr. Kiiru’s school, the Dayspring School, a K-8 Primary school that also offers boarding, in Kariobangi South. It is such an amazing Christian school and an inspiration to see what is possible for KCF to achieve. We are hopeful for a partnership with Rev. Dr. Kiiru’s school he hopes to send his students to our secondary school.

We had the opportunity to present small gifts to our sponsored children. While there is still a language barrier present with my African family, it was wonderful to see the thankfulness in their eyes and their demeanors. I feel so blessed to continue to develop the relationships with Evelyn and Alvin. Vanazio has also opened up to me. Hillary has begun to open up to Rachel as well. He is so excited to finally have a sponsor and was so proud today to put on the new uniform and school bag. We are so blessed to be able to serve these children!

Today we saw possibly the most unique sight we have seen on the trip: while driving through the Dandora slum, we saw a man traveling by camel! Mind you, in the Dandora slum, 1,000,000 people live in a 9.3 square km area. People are not traveling by animal, let alone camels! It was quite a sight to see!

The Sports Camp was very successful! We loved seeing the students work together and compete this week for the title of 2010 KDSS Tournament Champs!

Today was our last day at both schools with all of the children, and we are quite sad to leave. It has been such a phenomenal trip with experiences that have inspired growth and further change. Being a voice for the voiceless is not only a gift but a priority as we return to our homes and lives in America.

Please continue to pray for the children and community of Dandora.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Time is flying in Nairobi!

We had such a wonderful time connecting to the students at the secondary school this week. They are all opening up to us; they are so kind and very funny. I’m amazed by their transparency and genuineness. It’s really great!

We’ve also had a new member added to our team-her name is Sandy and she is a social worker from Minnesota. She and Peggy have done mission work together in Eastern Europe, but this is Sandy’s first trip to Africa. As an educational consultant for KCF, I am interested to hear her input and learn from her. I believe she will have useful insight that we may utilize to better serve our children. We are thankful for her as an addition to our team.

As a group, we’ve become like a family. Ginger and Peggy are so welcoming and accommodating. Jordan is here for his 4th visit, but this time as an intern, and I have returned, this time as a staff member and educational consultant. We are grateful for Rachel and Sandy as they have made a leap of faith to serve God with a friend on the other side of the world. It’s so amazing to see what God is doing in our hearts and how He is using the gifts He has bestowed upon us for the great work that is being done in Dandora.

Tonight Jordan's cousin Josh arrives and our family will grow some more.  We have a very fun Saturday planned, including a visit to the elephant orphanage, giraffe park and shopping!  Tomorrow night we are going to Safari Park for some tribal entertainment and a very carnivourous meal. 
Thank you for your support! Please keep praying!
Love, Jen

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day five in Kenya comes to a close

Today was a great day for KCF connections. We believe that God is leading us in a direction for growth. He has presented and continues to present Ginger with many opportunities to grow our network in Kenya. Please pray for continued expansion for the organization. With further development, we can enable KDS and KDSS to educate more children in Dandora which will empower more youth to become agents of change in both their community and ultimately the country and continent. We pray for the positive interactions today made with Kenyan builders as we hope to finish four more classrooms at the secondary school as well as expand to including boarding options for some of our children that are orphans or that lack safe home environments. We also pray that Ginger’s other connections within the Kenyan Government play out well for Kenya Children’s Fund.

Today was a great day at the secondary school. We were in the 7th and 8th grade classrooms again. Today we saw more success than yesterday in the implementation of new strategies. As an educator, I love being able to connect with the staff and children here on such a personal level. The teachers are open-minded, enthusiastic and receptive to our delivery and implementation of new teaching methods. The kids have been working well in groups as well. Tomorrow will be our last day at the secondary school before we return for the celebration and closing on Thursday. We plan to train the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers and the social worker in both electronic report cards, as well as data driven instruction and implementation. We are so happy to work and serve in Dandora and so blessed for this opportunity.

We have an exciting weekend planned including a visit to the elephant orphanage, the giraffe farm, and a trip to Safari Park which includes tribal entertainment and a seriously carnivorous meal.  We plan to return to the open air market on Sunday and worship in Dandora with Katherine, the social worker, at her church.  We are so thankful!

As always, we appreciate your prayers and ask that you continue to pray.  We are specifically praying for safety, opportunities for KCF to grow, for the wisdom of the leadership team, and for the community of Dandora.

Love to all,



"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you are serving the Lord, not the people.." Ephesians 6:7

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day three at the schools

Today was the first day we got into the classrooms to help model and facilitate differentiated instruction with the teachers. We spent the day yesterday disaggregating the data to establish homogeneous ability groups in each class. During our time here, we plan to model how to teach and manage multiple student groups at one time as well as use the groups to the teacher’s advantage by utilizing peer tutoring methods. We will also model using whole group instruction with a differentiated independent practice portion of the lesson. It was great to see so many familiar faces in the seventh grade classes as I spent a lot of time teaching class 6 last year.

We are incorporating technology integration into our teacher training this year. Earlier this year, the Primary School received --- laptops and all teachers received a flash drive. In order to establish a technological competency, we are training all teachers to record report cards electronically. Not only will this give each teacher an opportunity to use and grow more comfortable with using the computers, but it will ease the workload at the US office to enter all --- students’ grades and teacher comments by hand.

Rachel made a heartwarming decision to sponsor a child. While we know that we cannot change the entire world, we know that we can change one child’s world. Her sponsored child is an adorable nursery student named Leon. He is a tiny little tyke and we are excited to get to spend time with him during our trip.

Thank you for your support and prayers!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Be a channel for God’s blessings, not a reservoir.

Hello Friends and Family! We are so thankful for the wonderful time we are having. We thank God each morning and each night for this unique, invaluable experience to serve Him. It is only through bringing Him glory that we may feel satisfaction. As we enter the walls of the Kinyago Dandora School, we know we are called to serve. Rachel and I both have this special opportunity to leverage our gifts of teaching to truly reach so many of God’s children. Ginger delivered a powerful devotion Monday morning to bless and encourage us as we begin our journey at KDS and KDSS. We truly believe that God does speak, and God does call. We believe we have answered His call by going to Kenya to help deliver the oppressed. In Exodus 3:7-8 when God is speaking with Moses, He states, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people.. I have heard their cries of distress.. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them.. He continues in 3:10, “Now go, I am sending you..” Moses protests to this, but God assures him in 3:12, “I will be with you.”

God uses modern day Moses around the world to bring peace, hope, and salvation. God chooses His people to reach others and supports us along the way to do His work. We are never alone, and no task is impossible with God.

We have had a great first two days at the Primary and Secondary schools. On Monday we were greeted by chanting, singing and dancing at the Primary School. I was so touched-a lot of the kids remembered me and my name from last year! It definitely warmed my heart and made me so happy to return to KDS. I need no affirmation for the work I am doing here because I believe I am called by God to do this, but it certainly is heartwarming and makes me feel the appreciation and love from the children. I spent time reuniting with my sponsored child, Evelyn, as well as my mom’s child Alvin, and my step-grandmother’s child, Vanazio. They are my African family-I am blessed to be able to provide and pray for their success and dreams to be achieved.

It’s a blessing this year to return as a staff member. I believe I have three roles that I am filling as I work-first and foremost, a servant of God, a KCF staff member, and a member of the Education Committee. It is so amazing to put my education into use while here. Rachel and I are both so engaged as we are collaborating with the teachers, presenting innovative teaching methods, writing lesson plans and helping the teachers with the implementation and modeling of the new strategies to instruct.

From an education perspective, Rachel and I are focusing on data driven instruction. As teachers use their data from their students’ performance, we then implement differentiated instruction using ability grouping. We also stress the importance of cooperative grouping and peer tutoring through knowledge of data driven placement groups. Our focus is to meet the needs of all students and help the students succeed in the classroom and ultimately on the very challenging National Boards Tests in 8th grade. We not only working on differentiating instruction but also how the children apply what they’ve learned through various assignments tailored to the particular student’s needs and ability level. We are also aiding the teachers in managing multiple groups at one time. Tomorrow we begin teaching the classrooms and could not be more excited!

Today we received the Kenyan curriculum which we requested so that we may know the expectations of the standards when we are teaching. It is also an important piece for the Education Committee as we strive to aim for 100% passing rate on 8th grade National Boards. We plan to disaggregate the data we collect to determine which standards students are not meeting and then tailoring our teaching to meet those needs.

The rest of the team was busy at work while we were presenting to the teachers. Jordan Coffey, a sophomore at Taylor University, is interning this summer with Kenya Children’s Fund. He is coordinating the 2010 Sports Camp which is focused on raising up and training leaders within the Secondary School to develop ownership of the program and lead future sports camps. Sports camps include soccer and sports training, bible lessons, and powerful worship. In the future, the leaders will coordinate the camp that invites surrounding schools to our secondary school which fosters a sense of pride in the community and hopes to bring the message of salvation to many.

Ginger and Peggy spent the morning coordinating plans and accommodations for some graduates that had taken a wrong path for a time but our back and are eager to go to University. These young men will no longer be on the streets but in a safe place to live so that they may focus their attention on their studies. It is a true blessing that this organization reaches above and beyond expectations to provide for all the children. Listening to Ginger today discuss another student’s secondary school plans, it was an inspiration. I strive for the genuineness and concern that Ginger has for the children of KDS and KDSS.

Today we pray for humility, wisdom and courage as we do God’s will in Dandora. We pray for safety from danger and harm. We pray that our teaching is relevant and useful to the teachers. We pray for the connections that we are fostering. We are thankful for our safe travels, good health, and relationships we are forming with our KCF family.

“This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Love to all,

Rachel's take on day one in our little piece of Heaven

What an amazing day!!

The drive to the school through the many different slums was full of sights that reminded me of the infinite blessings in my own life.  My heart was both warmed and saddened by what I saw.  Through extreme poverty, there was hope.

At the school, we were greeted with smiling and singing children!  The pure joy from the kids was an unbelievable experience.  We sang and danced together, giving glory to God and having a BLAST.  I've never been so uninhibited to dance and let loose, their joy just electrifies you.

Ginger led a wonderful devotion..."God speaks and God calls"   Modern day Moses' all around the world are helping to lead people out of poverty and dire circumstances through God's callings and many blessings.

We then met with some of the teachers.  What these women can do with 50 kids and a piece of chalk is miraculous.  We talked with them about some lessons we will be modeling on Friday...we are focusing on how to ability group the students and use data to drive your instruction to help all kids be successful.  I cannot wait to get into the classrooms with those precious children.

Tomorrow we travel to the secondary school to work with the teachers there.  We will mainly focus on electronic data entry to help expedite and align the record keeping of the school and data driven instruction.  I am excited to meet the educators there and visit with some older kids.  Jen tells me that they are true inspirations...

Many Blessings!!  Miss you all!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Karibu to Nairobi!

Karibu Friends and family!  We've made it safely to Nairobi, Kenya after 24 straight hours of traveling.  We are extremely grateful for your prayers and support.  We thank God for safe travels and we look forward to utilizing the wireless internet (in our rooms!) to update y'all and stay in contact.  


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kenya Children's Fund DVD clip

We are just two days away from our departure to Kenya!  We pray to travel safely and to walk humbly with God throughout our trip.  Please take five minutes to watch the DVD clip from Kenya Children's Fund.  You can observe the environment where we work as well as the impact of that the Kinyago-Dandora Schools has on the children in the Dandora community.  We appreciate your partnership both in prayer and financially.

Please continue to praise God for this opportunity and pray for our trip. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Calling All Prayer Warriors!

Hello Friends and Family! 

Whether you pray faithfully morning and night, sporadically, or only in a time of need, we need you!  As we embark on our journey across the world, we are praying for several things:

We are praying for a group of people to pray for our team. We believe the power of prayer is unsurmountable and believe spiritual warfare is alive and sadly working to deter our plan. We pray that we will not fall victim to this.

We pray for safe travels for the leadership team as well as the individual teams traveling to Nairobi, Kenya this summer.  Rachel and I's travel dates are Friday, June 11-Saturday, June 12 and returning Thursday, June 24-Friday, June 25.  We also pray for Rachel's safe travels to and from Atlanta!

We pray for safety from harm and danger as we enter into an area of the world that may prove dangerous for travelers, especially two young, blonde American girls.  :)

We pray for our leaders at KCF that they may receive guidance and wisdom in order to execute God's plan for the Kinyago Dandora Schools.

We pray for strength and courage to listen and complete God's will throughout the trip, even in the face of difficulty. 

Most importantly, we pray for guidance and discernment as we listen to God's instruction while spreading His word in Nairobi and serving the children of the Kinyago Dandora Schools.

We praise God because it is a true blessing to serve Him in such a tangible way, and our team is so grateful that we may leverage our gifts to serve others.  "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in various forms." I Peter 4:10

We also give thanks for God's financial provisions as he has equipped us with the means and generous support of friends and family to travel to Kenya this year. 

We truly believe that through God we can make a difference in children's lives in a very challenged area of the world.  "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act." Proverbs 3:27.

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I should do, and with the help of God, I WILL DO!" -Everett Hale

Welcome to the 2010 African Adventures of Jen and Rachel

Welcome friends and family!  We truly appreciate your support during our preparation and travels this month.  We depart from Atlanta on Friday, June 11 and return on June 25.

For friends and family new to our adventures, here is some background information on me and how I became involved with Kenya Children's Fund as well as how Rachel became involved:

God has opened many amazing doors for me in the past year and given me countless opportunities to serve and glorify Him since being baptized in March of 2009. I began serving at Buckhead Church on our Host Team, and more strategically, as a women’s small group leader. I am so blessed to learn and grow with and from the women in my small group while growing in our relationships with Jesus Christ. Additionally, I believe my greatest accomplishment and experience to date has been traveling to Africa in June of 2009. The children of the Kinyago-Dandora community have invaluably enriched my life and forever changed my heart. The love, faith, and hope of these children are insurmountable even in their dire circumstances.

The Kinyago-Dandora School is situated on Nairobi’s city dump in one of the top-ten worst slums in the world according to the United Nations. This school is a home to them when the outside world shuns them as slumdogs, as trash, as inconsequential nothings. However, their faith is in Jesus Christ persists. Their joy and passion for God is an inspiration. This school is their light, their way out. They are empowered through education and motivated to become agents of change within their community. The Kinyago-Dandora School provides education, nutrition, medical attention and a Christ-centered environment to the children of Dandora who desperately need it in a place where education is not compulsory, free or easy to obtain.

I feel so blessed to take part in their story. It is through this powerful connection that I accepted a staff position with Kenya Children’s Fund in October of 2009. I now serve as the Outreach Director of Kenya Children's Fund, a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization, and I work to grow the organization domestically as well as internationally. I also serve on the Education Committee as an Educational Consultant and work to serve as a liaison between the staff of both schools in Kenya and our US office. I cannot express how blessed I am to serve God’s vision in Africa!

This year Rachel Stolz, a great friend whom I met during undergrad at the University of Florida is accompanying me with Kenya Children's Fund to Kenya.  Rachel and I spent countless hours preparing for courses and projects, volunteering with children and studying for exams together in undergrad and graduate school.  Upon graduation, I moved to Atlanta, Georgia and Rachel moved to Dallas, Texas.  In January 2010, after losing contact after college, we re-connected and the rest is history!  Rachel felt drawn to God to serve in a another part of the world where His love is desperately needed.  This is Rachel's first mission trip and like me last year, this is her first international excursion.  We are very blessed that God has brought us back together to serve Him and the wonderful kids at KDS.