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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Be a channel for God’s blessings, not a reservoir.

Hello Friends and Family! We are so thankful for the wonderful time we are having. We thank God each morning and each night for this unique, invaluable experience to serve Him. It is only through bringing Him glory that we may feel satisfaction. As we enter the walls of the Kinyago Dandora School, we know we are called to serve. Rachel and I both have this special opportunity to leverage our gifts of teaching to truly reach so many of God’s children. Ginger delivered a powerful devotion Monday morning to bless and encourage us as we begin our journey at KDS and KDSS. We truly believe that God does speak, and God does call. We believe we have answered His call by going to Kenya to help deliver the oppressed. In Exodus 3:7-8 when God is speaking with Moses, He states, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people.. I have heard their cries of distress.. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them.. He continues in 3:10, “Now go, I am sending you..” Moses protests to this, but God assures him in 3:12, “I will be with you.”

God uses modern day Moses around the world to bring peace, hope, and salvation. God chooses His people to reach others and supports us along the way to do His work. We are never alone, and no task is impossible with God.

We have had a great first two days at the Primary and Secondary schools. On Monday we were greeted by chanting, singing and dancing at the Primary School. I was so touched-a lot of the kids remembered me and my name from last year! It definitely warmed my heart and made me so happy to return to KDS. I need no affirmation for the work I am doing here because I believe I am called by God to do this, but it certainly is heartwarming and makes me feel the appreciation and love from the children. I spent time reuniting with my sponsored child, Evelyn, as well as my mom’s child Alvin, and my step-grandmother’s child, Vanazio. They are my African family-I am blessed to be able to provide and pray for their success and dreams to be achieved.

It’s a blessing this year to return as a staff member. I believe I have three roles that I am filling as I work-first and foremost, a servant of God, a KCF staff member, and a member of the Education Committee. It is so amazing to put my education into use while here. Rachel and I are both so engaged as we are collaborating with the teachers, presenting innovative teaching methods, writing lesson plans and helping the teachers with the implementation and modeling of the new strategies to instruct.

From an education perspective, Rachel and I are focusing on data driven instruction. As teachers use their data from their students’ performance, we then implement differentiated instruction using ability grouping. We also stress the importance of cooperative grouping and peer tutoring through knowledge of data driven placement groups. Our focus is to meet the needs of all students and help the students succeed in the classroom and ultimately on the very challenging National Boards Tests in 8th grade. We not only working on differentiating instruction but also how the children apply what they’ve learned through various assignments tailored to the particular student’s needs and ability level. We are also aiding the teachers in managing multiple groups at one time. Tomorrow we begin teaching the classrooms and could not be more excited!

Today we received the Kenyan curriculum which we requested so that we may know the expectations of the standards when we are teaching. It is also an important piece for the Education Committee as we strive to aim for 100% passing rate on 8th grade National Boards. We plan to disaggregate the data we collect to determine which standards students are not meeting and then tailoring our teaching to meet those needs.

The rest of the team was busy at work while we were presenting to the teachers. Jordan Coffey, a sophomore at Taylor University, is interning this summer with Kenya Children’s Fund. He is coordinating the 2010 Sports Camp which is focused on raising up and training leaders within the Secondary School to develop ownership of the program and lead future sports camps. Sports camps include soccer and sports training, bible lessons, and powerful worship. In the future, the leaders will coordinate the camp that invites surrounding schools to our secondary school which fosters a sense of pride in the community and hopes to bring the message of salvation to many.

Ginger and Peggy spent the morning coordinating plans and accommodations for some graduates that had taken a wrong path for a time but our back and are eager to go to University. These young men will no longer be on the streets but in a safe place to live so that they may focus their attention on their studies. It is a true blessing that this organization reaches above and beyond expectations to provide for all the children. Listening to Ginger today discuss another student’s secondary school plans, it was an inspiration. I strive for the genuineness and concern that Ginger has for the children of KDS and KDSS.

Today we pray for humility, wisdom and courage as we do God’s will in Dandora. We pray for safety from danger and harm. We pray that our teaching is relevant and useful to the teachers. We pray for the connections that we are fostering. We are thankful for our safe travels, good health, and relationships we are forming with our KCF family.

“This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Love to all,

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