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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our last days in Africa

Each day we leave more inspired than when we came. We are so blessed being in the presence of the children of KDS and KDSS. Monday was a very productive day for the Educational Committee. We trained the standard 4, 5, and 6 teachers in data driven instruction and differentiation. We also spent a lot of time comparing and contrasting our school environments. Even across the world in Kenya, kids are the same. We have the same joys and struggles in the classroom. Rachel and I offered advice to the teachers that presented us with questions as well as lesson planned with the teachers. We also trained the entire primary staff on the implantation of electronic report cards. We are very happy to include the technology component to the grading system which will alleviate time spent in the US office as well as give teachers the opportunity to begin to integrate technology. While some teachers already use electronic grading systems, this gives all teachers the opportunity as well as the push necessary for those who may be reticent or intimidated by technology. I have strived to continue to build and develop the relationships we began last year when working with the teachers. Our ultimate focus is to support the teachers in order to support the children of Dandora. They have been incredibly receptive to new methods and are very excited to implement them.

God has opened many doors for our ministry during our time here. Some wonderful minds have come together for the combined purpose of furthering the ministry and work of Kenya Children’s Fund. Some of the influential people we have met with recently through Ginger include Todd Rasmusson, the Executive Director or Daystar University-US, Patrick and Sheryl Mahin, the Church Relations Director of Daystar University-US, Rev. Dr. MacMillan Kiiru, Ginger’s dear friend and a Daystar University Council Member, and Mrs. Bernice Gachegu, the Registrar General of Kenya and a close friend of Ginger’s. She came to have dinner with us one evening this week, and it was so gracious of such a busy, dignified government official to spend time and get to know us this evening. She is such an inspiration for young woman to aspire to serve in male-dominated field. Ginger also is meeting with the Permanent Secretary of Youth Affairs and other Government of Kenya officials to discuss how various government programs can help assist KDS in leadership development of our students. We are also working to develop scholarship opportunities as well as a similar program to the partnership we have with Northwestern College for education students at Daystar University. We are so blessed for all of the doors God is opening for our ministry!

We also had the opportunity to see Rev. Dr. Kiiru’s school, the Dayspring School, a K-8 Primary school that also offers boarding, in Kariobangi South. It is such an amazing Christian school and an inspiration to see what is possible for KCF to achieve. We are hopeful for a partnership with Rev. Dr. Kiiru’s school he hopes to send his students to our secondary school.

We had the opportunity to present small gifts to our sponsored children. While there is still a language barrier present with my African family, it was wonderful to see the thankfulness in their eyes and their demeanors. I feel so blessed to continue to develop the relationships with Evelyn and Alvin. Vanazio has also opened up to me. Hillary has begun to open up to Rachel as well. He is so excited to finally have a sponsor and was so proud today to put on the new uniform and school bag. We are so blessed to be able to serve these children!

Today we saw possibly the most unique sight we have seen on the trip: while driving through the Dandora slum, we saw a man traveling by camel! Mind you, in the Dandora slum, 1,000,000 people live in a 9.3 square km area. People are not traveling by animal, let alone camels! It was quite a sight to see!

The Sports Camp was very successful! We loved seeing the students work together and compete this week for the title of 2010 KDSS Tournament Champs!

Today was our last day at both schools with all of the children, and we are quite sad to leave. It has been such a phenomenal trip with experiences that have inspired growth and further change. Being a voice for the voiceless is not only a gift but a priority as we return to our homes and lives in America.

Please continue to pray for the children and community of Dandora.


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